Saturday 17 January 2009

Israel: a Country to which neither Red Crosses nor Red Crescents have Meaning

As you can see in this report of the destruction of a Gaza hospital.

We know what the Israeli response will be; first the well-rehearsed and threadbare "We do not target civilians" and then a campaign to 'prove' that Hamas militants were using a hospital as a firing point, patients with intravenous needles in their veins as 'human shields' and babies' incubators for cover; and then that in any case, doctors at the hospital are Hamas or Hezbollah supporters anyway. (There have already been stories to that effect planted on the web about the Norwegian doctor who has been giving the BBC regular reports.)

We merely now must add two more flags to the blue one the Israelis have utterly failed to respect; and to the red, green and black one they never have and never will respect until they are forced into it.

And lest anyone forget, they took their cue from one Donald Rumsfeld and the NeoCons in this. And, given an inch of support, have, in their usual fashion, taken mile upon mile upon mile.

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